YALLWEST Panel - Bri Spoke on a Panel with Leah Johnson, David Levithan, and more Brianna BourneMay 2, 2021
FROLIC - Interview with Brianna Bourne, Author of You & Me at the End of the World Brianna BourneMarch 1, 2021
BOOKRIOT - "20 Must-Read 2021 Young Adult Fantasy Releases" includes You & Me at the End of the World Brianna BourneMarch 1, 2021
POPSUGAR - You & Me at the End of the World Featured on PopSugar's List of 50 Children's Books to Add to your TBR in 2021 Brianna BourneFebruary 3, 2021
DEAL REPORT - Brianna Bourne's YA Debut to Scholastic US: at Auction, in a Two-Book Deal Brianna BourneSeptember 15, 2020